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Becoming a Mentor

As a mentor, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students by sharing your experiences and wisdom gained along your professional journey. You also offer students a valuable opportunity to begin forming their professional networks early in their legal careers. 

Sign Up Online Today using our Mentor Program Online Registration Form!


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We welcome your participation in the Delaware Law School Alumni Network Mentoring Program. Thank you for considering membership in this important program.

Program guidelines are simple and the requirements are minimal. The program pairs first-year students with qualified, experienced alumni like you. Pairs should have at least three contacts during the academic year, but may agree to more. Mentors are required to have membership in any state's bar and two years of experience. Participation is voluntary.

The program provides you with an excellent opportunity to help shape the future of the profession, and make a positive difference in the development of a future colleague. As a mentor, you have the opportunity to shape the lives of students by sharing your experiences and wisdom. You also offer students a valuable opportunity to begin forming their professional networks early in their legal careers. Many mentors report benefits to themselves as well such as a renewed sense of appreciation for the legal profession created through their exposure to the excitement and enthusiasm of a first-year law student.