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Widener Law Review

The Widener Law Review is the only general interest law review on the Delaware campus. Membership on the Law Review allows students to hone and sharpen their legal research, writing, and editing skills. The skills that you master as a Staff Member can be crucial to your future career. Many employers specifically recruit members of Law Review because of the skills that are cultivated through membership. Moreover, membership can shape your future by providing access to a network of successful practitioners nationwide, as the prestige of a general law review is recognized no matter where you choose to practice. Law Review colleagues will invariably become your professional colleagues, and alumni of Widener Law Review work in nationally-recognized law firms, as federal and state judicial clerks, and throughout the public sector.


The Widener Law Review is dedicated to publishing scholarship that pertains to current legal issues on a wide range of topics including civil and criminal law, constitutional law, environmental law, public interest law, professional ethics, health law, and corporate law, among various other legal topics. These legal topics and more are explored through annual symposia organized and hosted by the Law Review. Unsolicited articles authored by professors, judges, practitioners, as well as articles solicited from symposia speakers, form the core of the Law Review's publication. Student-authored notes, comments, essays, book reviews and other appropriate pieces provide additional material for publication. All submissions undergo the Law Review’s rigorous editorial process designed to enhance the overall quality of the authors’ work. Membership on the Law Review provides students with the opportunity to enhance the legal education received in the classroom by honing legal writing skills through the practice of reviewing and editing legal various legal articles. Members will also have the unique opportunity to produce a student-authored note that will be considered for publication in the Widener Law Review; these notes may be written on a wide range of legal topics.

The Widener Law Review (formerly known as the Widener Law Symposium Journal) is one of two law journals here at Delaware Law. The Law Review is the result of several years of student, faculty and administration efforts to increase the opportunity for, and diversity of, scholarly legal publication at the Law School. A faculty committee developed the general framework for the Law Review and selected the first Editorial Board in the fall of 1993. The Board began organizational efforts in the spring of 1994. The first Symposium was held in March 1995 and publication of the inaugural issue was in May 1996. Since the inaugural issue, Widener Law Review has been cited in publications such as Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Harvard Journal on Legislation, Yale Journal of Policy, Law, and Ethics, Duke Law Review, and Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, among many others.

Widener Law Review Volume XXIX 2022-2023 Executive Board


Caleb Kincaid:

Internal Managing Editor

Camilia R. Katkocin:

External Managing Editor

Victoria E. Elliott:

Articles Editors

Daniel A. Adams:
Jane C. Myers:

Bluebook Editors

Sarah N. Clancy:
Julia R. McDonald:

Research Editors

Giovanna Crozier-Fitzgerald:
Melanie L. Fey:

Digital Media Editors

Mariska Suparman:
John Hinton:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Editor


Associate Editors

Joseph R Podraza III:

Jacqueline G. Conner:

Francesca Collins:

Mackenzie Boyer:

Rachel Garvey:

Adam VanBuskirk:

Logan Frye:

Edward DiPietro: