Delaware Law celebrates diversity through a wide variety of annual on-campus events, student organizations and other diversity-related programming.
We value the interests and abilities that each student brings to our law school, the profession, and the broader society. To further demonstrate our commitment to diversity, Delaware Law supports the Law School Admission Council’s campaign and the Council on Legal Education Opportunity. Both initiatives seek to make a legal education more accessible for all students. We also offer a welcoming environment for first-generation law students.
Students of diverse background often find having a support network of friends, colleagues and peers with whom they can relate helps to facilitate their academic and social needs which in turns helps them to perform at their best. The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion aims to provide programs and services that will provide the most support possible for students. Our broad definition of diversity mandates that we invite and encourage students to participate in and support other organizations that may not share the same ideas or ideals.